澳門 - 馬路三寶

各種 澳門 的三寶行為

2019 澳門的士亂象不止 市民怨言不斷


2018 網民hottalk21個月被檢控85次 澳門的士佬涉屈遊客錢

「澳門就是與別不同」,呢句澳門旅遊局推廣口號真係冇講錯。話說有位台灣遊客喺fb訴苦,話14號喺澳門搭的士去威尼斯人,睇錶21蚊,但司機坐地起價要收$100,仲鎖車門載遊客返原址,結果遊客太驚下話肯畀$50,司機就喺半路中途放低佢。遊客其後報警,警方拉咗司機,但有網民話原來司機已經放番。 澳門警方翻查紀錄發現,涉案司機前年8月開始,試過被檢控85宗的士違規,包括濫收車資、拒載等,而違規期間揸過不同的士。 唔少澳門網民已經對呢啲事見怪不怪,不過就好奇怪,點解俾人拉足85次仲可以繼續揸的士,反而曾經喺遊行期間於澳門特首官邸掟紙飛機嘅蘇嘉豪,就俾建制派聯手褫奪議席之餘,仲被正式起訴。

2017 「警民同心」電台版 第69集 (-12-01) 的士違規及“白牌車”打擊工作

為貫徹落實主動警務、社區警務和公關警務的理念,保安司及轄下所有部門聯同澳廣視,共同製作《警民同心》電視綜合節目,透過介紹­保安範疇各部門工作、犯罪資訊、防罪技巧和模擬案例等內容,加強公眾對保安部隊及部門的認識和瞭解,掌握更多安全資訊,密切警­民¬關係,凝聚警民合力,共同維護澳門的安全和發展。 Police and Public Stand United To fully implement the philosophies of proactive policing, community policing and public relations policing, the Secretary for Security and its subordinate departments, collaborated with Teledifusão de Macau and produced a TV variety program “Police and Public Stand United”. Through introducing the duties of various departments of the security area, crime information, crime prevention techniques, simulated cases, etc, knowledge and understanding concerning the Security Forces and its relevant department of the public can be strengthened. The public can also have a grasp of more safety information. Such knowledge and understanding help establishing a bond between police and the public, forging cooperation between the two parties and enabling them to safeguard the safety and development of Macao together.

2016 電台版警民同心 第69集 的士違規及“白牌車”打擊工作 (-12-01)


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