hit - 馬路三寶

各種 hit 的三寶行為

2024 比台灣更危險!?美國才是升級版行人地獄?台灣騎樓為何那麼難走?

|本集節目由【Future Salad 全清高纖新沙拉飲】贊助播出| 阿淇博士專屬連結:https://fstw.pse.is/5pqssj 3/20 14:00-3/31 23:59結帳頁面已帶入85折優惠 若無優惠再輸入推薦代碼【achi1】 推薦代碼:achi1(全小寫) Future Salad 全清不只是一杯滿滿膳食纖維可以喝的沙拉飲 更是追求效率生活新型態的「未來食品」 ⭐️ 一包=5碗傳統沙拉的膳食纖維量與營養 ⭐️ 12種純天然蔬果成分製成高達25種營養素 ⭐️ 32.7大卡,低熱量無負擔 ⭐️ 全素、純天然、不含中西瀉藥及防腐劑 ⭐️ 促進腸道蠕動,使糞便輕易排出 台灣全清官網、屈臣氏、momo 購物網、蝦皮官方商城【熱賣中】⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ 註:那隻企鵝/貓頭鷹是藏鏡人畫的,大名Pengowl貓頭鵝,Line上已有貼圖 近期團購統整: https://portaly.cc/DrAchi Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HiThisIsAchi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hithisisachi LBRY: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@HiThisIsAchi:7 For commercial collaboration / 廠商合作與試用請洽: dr.achi.studio@gmail.com

2023 企鵝妹 Jinnytty:還在抱怨剛剛玩的遊戲太認真 然後就當三寶闖紅燈了!(台中逢甲 - 台中大里)

[台灣 Waddlethon Day22] 企鵝妹 Jinnytty:還在抱怨剛剛玩的遊戲太認真 然後就當三寶闖紅燈了!(台中逢甲 - 台中大里)[2023-05-20] 完整版:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uJhLohiTy4 [2023-05-20] Day 22 WADDLETHON 1 TAIWAN : Day 22 FENGJIA TO DALI TAICHUNG + DETOURS (~30KM/18.6MILES)

2020 三寶出門了! 新的攝影機~ 拍到 被嚇一跳的熊貓!

三寶出門了! 新買的攝影機 拍到 被嚇一跳的熊貓 攝影機還在適應階段 蓋上安全帽罩子 哈哈!變模糊了! 開車騎車時~ *要提高警覺,注意前、後、左、右,要有他人可能會撞到你或是防止撞到他人的想法。 When driving a bicycle~ *Be alert, pay attention to the front, back, left and right, and have the idea that others may hit you or prevent them from hitting others. 一鮮零一(Youtube) https://is.gd/ZoyedL facebook (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/c1ufo2 痞客邦(一鮮零一)https://streamtopic.pixnet.net/16779/posts instagram (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/0fNNUC 歡迎投稿:cannibaltucc@gmail.com

2020 馬路三寶 千鈞一髮 小心!天上掉下來的火花!

馬路三寶 千鈞一髮 小心!天上掉下來的火花! #馬路三寶 千鈞一髮的場景 不是每個人的那麼幸運的! 開車騎車時~ 要提高警覺, 注意前、後、左、右, 要有他人可能會撞到你 或是防止撞到他人的想法。 When driving a bicycle~ *Be alert, pay attention to the front, back, left and right, and have the idea that others may hit you or prevent them from hitting others. 祝大家 行車平安! 一鮮零一(Youtube) https://is.gd/ZoyedL facebook (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/c1ufo2 痞客邦(一鮮零一)https://streamtopic.pixnet.net/16779/posts instagram (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/0fNNUC 歡迎投稿:cannibaltucc@gmail.com

2020 馬路三寶  千鈞一髮! 不會吧!交流道倒車?

馬路三寶 之千鈞一髮 不會吧!交流道倒車? #馬路三寶 這裡頭有些片段真的是運氣超好,差一秒鐘可能就完蛋了! Some of the clips here are really good luck. 十字路口時必須減速,左右轉時、變換車道或超車時需注意前後方車輛與行人狀況,避免被車輛追撞或撞到車輛或行人。 You must slow down at intersections. When turning left and right, changing lanes, or overtaking, you must pay attention to the status of vehicles and pedestrians in front and behind to avoid being chased or hit by vehicles. 駕駛人除遵守道路交通規則外,亦須留意周遭狀況,從目視及耳聽察覺,建立預判可能發生意外情境之準備心理,進而預先採取必要防禦動作以避免事故發生。 In addition to observing the road traffic rules, drivers must also pay attention to the surrounding conditions, visually and ear-sensing, establish a preparation psychology to predict possible unexpected situations, and then take the necessary defensive actions in advance to avoid accidents. facebook (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/c1ufo2 痞客邦(一鮮零一)https://streamtopic.pixnet.net/16779/ instagram (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/0fNNUC

2020 馬路三寶 之 千鈞一髮 怎麼突然甩尾?

馬路三寶 之千鈞一髮 怎麼突然甩尾?   #馬路三寶 這裡頭有些片段真的是運氣超好,差一秒鐘可能就完蛋了! Some of the clips here are really good luck. 十字路口時必須減速,左右轉時、變換車道或超車時需注意前後方車輛與行人狀況,避免被車輛追撞或撞到車輛或行人。 You must slow down at intersections. When turning left and right, changing lanes, or overtaking, you must pay attention to the status of vehicles and pedestrians in front and behind to avoid being chased or hit by vehicles. 駕駛人除遵守道路交通規則外,亦須留意周遭狀況,從目視及耳聽察覺,建立預判可能發生意外情境之準備心理,進而預先採取必要防禦動作以避免事故發生。 In addition to observing the road traffic rules, drivers must also pay attention to the surrounding conditions, visually and ear-sensing, establish a preparation psychology to predict possible unexpected situations, and then take the necessary defensive actions in advance to avoid accidents. facebook (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/c1ufo2 痞客邦(一鮮零一)https://streamtopic.pixnet.net/16779/ instagram (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/0fNNUC

2020 馬路三寶 之 千鈞一髮  還好閃得快!

馬路三寶 之 千鈞一髮 還好閃得快! #馬路三寶 這裡頭有些片段真的是運氣超好,差一秒鐘可能就完蛋了! Some of the clips here are really good luck. 十字路口時必須減速,左右轉時、變換車道或超車時需注意前後方車輛與行人狀況,避免被車輛追撞或撞到車輛或行人。 You must slow down at intersections. When turning left and right, changing lanes, or overtaking, you must pay attention to the status of vehicles and pedestrians in front and behind to avoid being chased or hit by vehicles. 駕駛人除遵守道路交通規則外,亦須留意周遭狀況,從目視及耳聽察覺,建立預判可能發生意外情境之準備心理,進而預先採取必要防禦動作以避免事故發生。 In addition to observing the road traffic rules, drivers must also pay attention to the surrounding conditions, visually and ear-sensing, establish a preparation psychology to predict possible unexpected situations, and then take the necessary defensive actions in advance to avoid accidents. facebook (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/c1ufo2 痞客邦(一鮮零一)https://streamtopic.pixnet.net/16779/ instagram (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/0fNNUC

2020 防禦式駕駛的重要性The importance of defensive driving

一台白色Porsche Macan違規右轉。車牌已無法辨識了,仍提醒大家行車小心,必須擁有防禦性駕駛心態,交叉路口隨時防備違規車輛,以及車輛擁有ABS、VSC系統的重要。 A white Porsche Macan turns right at the wrong intersection. Remind everyone to drive carefully, must have defensive driving skills to prevent illegal vehicles at intersections, and vehicles must have ABS, VSC systems. 行車紀錄器拍攝車輛:Toyota RAV4 2.0 2018 拍攝時間:May 20. 2020 拍攝地點:台北市基隆路地下道北端出口

2019 三寶緊急煞車.Stupid driver stop suddenly.(秋條)

那個三寶應該停下來,因為他有yield sign而我沒有,我不用停下來。 但是他開的速度我真的很怕他會撞到我,所以我停下來確定安全我才通過。 不會開車就不要開那麼快。 The stupid driver drive so fast that he didn't notice the "yield sign" . I afraid that he will hit my car so I stop, but actually I don't need to stop for this shit. Really hope that everyone should make sure there is no car at yield sign before run. - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。 - 喜歡記得訂閱 If you guys like my channel then remember subscribe for more driving recording.

2019 三寶闖紅燈左轉..The car ran the red light and turn left.(秋條)

白癡三寶闖紅燈左轉,我開快一點的話我就撞到他了。Stupid driver just ran the red light and turn left, if I drive more faster then will have accident. - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。 - 喜歡記得訂閱 If you guys like my channel then remember subscribe for more driving recording.

2019 馬路三寶差點撞到行人.Stupid crazy driver almost cause car accident(秋條)

白癡三寶左轉沒看左右來車,更沒有注意到行人,差點撞上。 Crazy and stupid driver didn't stop and look at the intersection, almost hit the pedestrian. He is really lucky that he stop his car to avoid the accident. Hope everyone can stop by the intersection and make sure there is safe to be drive, thank you. - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。 - 喜歡記得訂閱 If you guys like my channel then remember subscribe for more driving recording.

2019 三寶停在馬路中間導致塞車.Stupid driver stop in the middle of the road.(秋條)

智障三寶在路中間停下來導致塞車。 Stupid driver stop in the middle of the road cause the traffic jam.... I can't tolerant, so I overtake him. - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。 - 喜歡記得訂閱 If you guys like my channel then remember subscribe for more driving recording.

2019 Toyota Prius差點撞到哈雷.Toyota Prius almost hit Harley(秋條)(有字幕)

三寶Toyota Prius 往內線切沒看到哈雷...應注意而未注意 Toyota Prius drive to the left lane almost hit Harley, because he didn't look the rearview mirror - 有字幕喔 - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。

2019 機車右轉差點擦撞 The motorcycle turned right and almost hit

因為轉檔所以降畫質 BGM : Blow_Thing tags : 右轉行車糾紛 三寶 屁孩 天兵 related news : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC81hQGMfoo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpDEG-WmNtE

2019 馬路三寶打小人  打完不會撞死人 (出血篇)

保命篇影片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Nr5at1PrbU 口訣打小人 (國語版) Google Play免費安裝: (或用"口訣打小人"搜索) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apps.joyfully.villainhitting_mandarin 安裝廣東話版本: Install Cantonese Villain Hitting (beat the little person) Version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apps.joyfully.villainhitting_cantonese Install English Version now FREE on Google Play: 英文版本: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apps.joyfully.villainkissing_english 國語馬路三寶打小人口訣示範如下: (出血篇) 打你的雞雞 打到你車禍撞到雙B 打你的屁屁 打到你車禍撞到賓利 打你的前臂 打到你撞到瑪莎拉蒂 打你的後臂 打到你撞到最貴賓士 打你的手臂 打到你撞到法拉利 打你的四肢 打到你撞到勞斯萊斯 打你的三頭肌 打到你國道倒車撞到雙B 打你的痣 打到你撞到日本凌志 打你的髖關節 打到你倒車撞到保時捷 打你的Mouth 打到你逆向撞到捷豹 打你的下巴 打到你晃神撞到蓮花 打你的下嘴唇 打到你國道追撞麥拉倫 打你的牙齒 打到你撞到Infiniti 打你的腳筋 打到你撞到Mini奧斯丁 打你的頭髮 打到你開車撞到寶馬 打你的胸脯 打到你撞到BMW 打你的脾 打到你撞到藍寶堅尼 打你的眼皮 打到你車禍撞到奧迪 打你的臉皮 打到你撞到布加迪 打你的肚臍 打到你撞到帕加尼 打你的手關節 打到你撞到千萬世爵 打你的眼角膜 打到你撞到柯尼塞格 打你的背 打到你撞到名貴的西爾貝 打你的鼻毛 打到你撞到瑞典富豪 打你的小腦 打到你撞到瑞典紳寶 打你的雙眼 打到你開車沒有保險 打你的中腦 打到你變成國道三寶 打你的後腦 打到你變成馬路三寶 打你的丘腦 打到你變成台灣三寶 請注意: 所有口訣均是原創及純屬虛構。

APJ-1201 2018 【APJ-1201】山路上的逆向三寶

這樣的開法...早晚收掉別人 車號APJ-1201 背景音樂: MAXI COVERI - RUNNING IN THE 90S - SHITTYFLUTED

推薦!優質交通類 YouTube 頻道



