VSC - 馬路三寶

各種 VSC 的三寶行為

2020 防禦式駕駛的重要性The importance of defensive driving

一台白色Porsche Macan違規右轉。車牌已無法辨識了,仍提醒大家行車小心,必須擁有防禦性駕駛心態,交叉路口隨時防備違規車輛,以及車輛擁有ABS、VSC系統的重要。 A white Porsche Macan turns right at the wrong intersection. Remind everyone to drive carefully, must have defensive driving skills to prevent illegal vehicles at intersections, and vehicles must have ABS, VSC systems. 行車紀錄器拍攝車輛:Toyota RAV4 2.0 2018 拍攝時間:May 20. 2020 拍攝地點:台北市基隆路地下道北端出口

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