His - 馬路三寶

各種 His 的三寶行為

2024 比台灣更危險!?美國才是升級版行人地獄?台灣騎樓為何那麼難走?

|本集節目由【Future Salad 全清高纖新沙拉飲】贊助播出| 阿淇博士專屬連結:https://fstw.pse.is/5pqssj 3/20 14:00-3/31 23:59結帳頁面已帶入85折優惠 若無優惠再輸入推薦代碼【achi1】 推薦代碼:achi1(全小寫) Future Salad 全清不只是一杯滿滿膳食纖維可以喝的沙拉飲 更是追求效率生活新型態的「未來食品」 ⭐️ 一包=5碗傳統沙拉的膳食纖維量與營養 ⭐️ 12種純天然蔬果成分製成高達25種營養素 ⭐️ 32.7大卡,低熱量無負擔 ⭐️ 全素、純天然、不含中西瀉藥及防腐劑 ⭐️ 促進腸道蠕動,使糞便輕易排出 台灣全清官網、屈臣氏、momo 購物網、蝦皮官方商城【熱賣中】⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ 註:那隻企鵝/貓頭鷹是藏鏡人畫的,大名Pengowl貓頭鵝,Line上已有貼圖 近期團購統整: https://portaly.cc/DrAchi Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HiThisIsAchi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hithisisachi LBRY: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@HiThisIsAchi:7 For commercial collaboration / 廠商合作與試用請洽: dr.achi.studio@gmail.com

2024 限縮檢舉/大違停時代來臨 ?! 有哪些法條修訂, 帶你了解....

我是一名高雄在地的計程車司機,本頻道主要分享一些開車的甘苦談及相關的資訊,未來會朝向更多元的題材發展,如國/內 外旅遊與美食系列...等等。 另外目前除了計程車外,本身也有經營包車旅遊與單車的接駁及補給,歡迎有需求或興趣的朋友聯絡我。 感謝各位的支持與收看。 I am a taxi driver located in Kaohsiung Taiwan. This Channel is to share my daily life and information regarding taxi to viewers. Aside from taxi service I have a team can provide package tour or professional cycling support for road bike & mountain bike in Taiwan. We drive very comfortable Benz Vito (or VW-T6) 9-Seater vans equipped with bike racks(Thule UpRide 599, no contact with your bike frame, perfect for carbon fiber frames. ps : not every car has this equipment) and a guide with detailed knowledge of cycling routes, who can also fix problems of bikes. We also offer the courses for beginners want to experience cycling. Just get in touch with us for details, thanks for your supporting and watching. 服務項目 Service Items 接送服務 / Pick Up & Drop Off 旅遊包車/ Chartered Tour 單車補給/ Bikes Support 聯絡方式 Contact E-mail : skxkimo@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #計程車 #台灣大車隊 #uber #保母車 #交通違規 #檢舉 #違停 #法規

2023 Why Taiwan even needs this?

#三寶 #違停 #占用人行道 #台灣 #違規 #交通 #dashcam #行車紀錄器

2022 連煞車的機會都沒有要怎麼活?台64車禍

不開車燈的三寶到處都有,就算你以為半夜一台車都沒有,也請依道路環境調整車速,才能在緊急狀況時,留一條保護自己的退路。大家行車平安。 Bike: Yamaha WR250X/R MotoVlog 273 摩托日記第兩百七十三篇 Outro Music: Trixtor - Just This Once 攝影器材 Camera Used: Insta360 One X3: https://bit.ly/3DZt0kv Insta360 GO2: https://bit.ly/INSTA360GO2_ GoPro Hero 9: https://bit.ly/goprohero9_ Sena 10C Evo: https://bit.ly/sena10cevo_

2022 BX1AAN The Flying Helmet Channel Trailer_2

CQ! CQ! CQ! This is BX1AAN calling for CQ DX QTH Yilan, Taiwan Documented whatever we saw through the lenses. Having fun with the flying helmet! ------ [copyrights claims] Evil March by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100727 Artist: http://incompetech.com/

2022 BX1AAN The Flying Helmet Channel Trailer

CQ! CQ! CQ! This is BX1AAN calling for CQ DX QTH Yilan, Taiwan Ride with the roaring engine, ride with the flying helmet!

2021 不開燈的三寶被闖紅燈直飆髒話

#機車日常#三寶#JET BGM: engelwood - yes, you can use this in your vlog (feat. dyalla)

2021 違規跨越槽化線切入匝道 差點撞上出車禍爆料公社

原文: 春節假期開始 三寶盡出 祝大家新年快樂 行車平安 Ps不是不禮讓,一切都太突然 很怕被後車追撞,確定對方減速 並發現我的存在,才加速通過 我也反省自己太大意, 提醒車友上路真的要注意再注意 #平安圍爐最重要 #差點就gg了 #我是故意po模糊版的 ----- 來源【爆料公社】: https://www.facebook.com/100000308221073/videos/3808583419161895/ ----- #爆料公社

2020 第一次自摔是倒楣,第二次就

女人開車... 真正的甩尾 ! 翻覆的大卡車,可怕 ! Horrible Drivers Of 2020 Insane Car Crash Compilation Car Crash & Road Rage 最新車禍現場+路怒症合集 This compilation created for the educational purposes - watch and learn from the mistakes of others. Thank You For Watching - be careful on the road. All credits to the original clip owners. If you want a clip in a certain video to be taken down please contact us at: abletonpower@gmail.com #hypercarcrashcompilation #Dashcam Lessons #Car Crash & Road Rage #supercarcrashcompilation #carfailsandwins #自摔 #速度與激情 #尬車 #倒楣駕駛 #女人開車 #碰瓷 #闖紅燈 #違規 #行人違規 #酒駕 #危險駕駛 #硬插 #行車紀錄器 #密錄器 #老人騎車 #三寶 #頭文字D #翻車 #甩尾

2019 鬼門開 夜間開車真的要小心 台灣最美的風景是人

鬼門開 夜間開車真的要小心 台灣最美的風景是人 ______________________________________ 逆向還沒開燈 騎士本來還騎在中間 路上天天有人想請吃三寶飯 ______________________________________ Please Share this Mix on Social sites (Facebook, Google +, Twitter etc.) Let more people can listen! If you like it, do not forget to like and share it ! ㋡免費訂閱 : https://goo.gl/F3Ckci ☞ 专辑: 英文歌 : https://goo.gl/F3Ckci ☞ 专辑: Chinese Songs : https://goo.gl/oGm83o

2019 三寶緊急煞車.Stupid driver stop suddenly.(秋條)

那個三寶應該停下來,因為他有yield sign而我沒有,我不用停下來。 但是他開的速度我真的很怕他會撞到我,所以我停下來確定安全我才通過。 不會開車就不要開那麼快。 The stupid driver drive so fast that he didn't notice the "yield sign" . I afraid that he will hit my car so I stop, but actually I don't need to stop for this shit. Really hope that everyone should make sure there is no car at yield sign before run. - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。 - 喜歡記得訂閱 If you guys like my channel then remember subscribe for more driving recording.

2019 馬路三寶差點撞到行人.Stupid crazy driver almost cause car accident(秋條)

白癡三寶左轉沒看左右來車,更沒有注意到行人,差點撞上。 Crazy and stupid driver didn't stop and look at the intersection, almost hit the pedestrian. He is really lucky that he stop his car to avoid the accident. Hope everyone can stop by the intersection and make sure there is safe to be drive, thank you. - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。 - 喜歡記得訂閱 If you guys like my channel then remember subscribe for more driving recording.

2019 馬路三寶好好等紅燈吧大哥,抽菸對身體不好耶

道路交通管理處罰條例第31-1條規定汽機車駕駛人行駛於道路,手持香菸、吸食、點燃香菸致有影響他人行車安全行為者,罰600元 This guy was smoking when waiting for the traffic light.

2019 almost crash 迴轉三寶

there have one kind of people who we call "三寶" they can easy take you down from roadway and they don't give a fuck this asshole almost take two bike down ride motorcycle in taiwan is not easy R.E.C By SJ4000

2018 有錢的三寶有錢開超跑,可不代表會開車

如對影片有任何疑問請留言與我聯絡 (Email在最下方) ▶ Notice : * None of these images, music & video clips were created/owned by us. * This video is purely fan-made, if you (owners) want to remove this video, please CONTACT US DIRECTLY before doing anything. We will respectfully remove it. CONTACT US : Jimmy.chuang@yahoo.com

2018 gogoro 再也不被錄得清app氣死 @ 台南市中西區

如果你是iPhone 又很不幸的又買了LooKing錄得清WiFi版的行車紀錄器 恭喜你~~ 和我一樣, 命差一點就被這個APP給氣死 我有次在路上, 差點被一個三寶阿姨騎車撞到我 我躲過後,馬上找個騎樓打開手機,連上app要看影片 往下刷的結果就是不停的當機重弄 好不容易花了快十分鐘,慢慢的刷到最下面的檔案 選擇好檔案後,幾乎又花了快20多分鐘才把檔案抓下來 前前後後我花了約30分鐘的時間 當下我就在想 如果我要是真的出車禍 車子沒電或是行車紀錄器被撞壞的情況下 那麼 我根本無法在當下看到影片啊(沒事不會帶筆電出門吧) 加上 我又是 iPhone X,在蝦皮也看過好幾款手機的讀卡機 但是說明又寫的不明不白,買了一個後根本不能用又想辦法退 賣方說~他的說明裏面沒有寫iPhone X 可以用啊~ 不給退 好了~~ 我再去商家找 不是動不動上千元就是不能讓我拆盒子一一試機 後來在台南市中西區民生路靠近西門路的一家電子配件找東西 剛好看到牆上有手機讀卡機 可愛的店員妹妹讓我一個一個的試後 真的是讓我挑到一個又便宜且好用的讀卡機 當下二話不說馬上買了它~~~ 真的超級好用 又是一個買一朵花,最後要再買一棟房子的生活小故事 好了~~問題解決了 再來就是 那我為什麼要多花錢買WiFi版本的行車紀錄器!! 也許你沒有像我一樣的問題 或是~~~用iPhone的車主都該死吧~~~~ 我是建議真的要買一個放在車上啊 而且生活上也可以用來存手機的相片 ––– • License: You’re free to use this song in any of your videos, but you must include the following in your video description (Copy & Paste): Scandinavianz - Wonderland (instrumental) by Scandinavianz https://soundcloud.com/scandinavianz Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/gaEi4HnnOus –––

推薦!優質交通類 YouTube 頻道



