to t - 馬路三寶

各種 to t 的三寶行為

2020 第一次自摔是倒楣,第二次就

女人開車... 真正的甩尾 ! 翻覆的大卡車,可怕 ! Horrible Drivers Of 2020 Insane Car Crash Compilation Car Crash & Road Rage 最新車禍現場+路怒症合集 This compilation created for the educational purposes - watch and learn from the mistakes of others. Thank You For Watching - be careful on the road. All credits to the original clip owners. If you want a clip in a certain video to be taken down please contact us at: #hypercarcrashcompilation #Dashcam Lessons #Car Crash & Road Rage #supercarcrashcompilation #carfailsandwins #自摔 #速度與激情 #尬車 #倒楣駕駛 #女人開車 #碰瓷 #闖紅燈 #違規 #行人違規 #酒駕 #危險駕駛 #硬插 #行車紀錄器 #密錄器 #老人騎車 #三寶 #頭文字D #翻車 #甩尾

2020 三寶出門了!傾盆大雨中,坐電動輪椅的老人冒險闖紅燈!

三寶出門了! 連續兩個紅綠燈,被同一位小姐擋住! 大雨中,坐電動輪椅的老人冒險闖紅燈! 雨中,一台機車直接轉,險象環生! ...... 開車騎車時~ *要提高警覺,注意前、後、左、右,要有他人可能會撞到你或是防止撞到他人的想法。 小心駕駛喔! 祝大家 行車平安喔! 在此強調「防禦駕駛」觀念很重要, 駕駛人除遵守道路交通規則外,亦須留意周遭狀況,從目視及耳聽察覺,建立預判可能發生意外情境之準備心理,進而預先採取必要防禦動作以避免事故發生。 It is important to emphasize the concept of "defensive driving" here, In addition to observing the road traffic rules, drivers must also pay attention to the surrounding conditions, and visually and ear-sensing to establish the preparation psychology for predicting possible unexpected situations, and then take the necessary defensive actions in advance to avoid accidents. 一鮮零一(Youtube) facebook (一鮮零一) 痞客邦(一鮮零一) instagram (一鮮零一) 歡迎投稿

2020 三寶出門了  雙黃線是假的嗎?

三寶出門了 這路上的雙黃線是假的嗎? 開車騎車時~ *要提高警覺,注意前、後、左、右,要有他人可能會撞到你或是防止撞到他人的想法。 在此強調「防禦駕駛」觀念很重要, 駕駛人除遵守道路交通規則外,亦須留意周遭狀況,從目視及耳聽察覺,建立預判可能發生意外情境之準備心理,進而預先採取必要防禦動作以避免事故發生。 It is important to emphasize the concept of "defensive driving" here, In addition to observing the road traffic rules, drivers must also pay attention to the surrounding conditions, and visually and ear-sensing to establish the preparation psychology for predicting possible unexpected situations, and then take the necessary defensive actions in advance to avoid accidents. 一鮮零一(Youtube) facebook (一鮮零一) 痞客邦(一鮮零一) instagram (一鮮零一) 歡迎投稿

2020 三寶出門了! 新的攝影機~ 拍到 被嚇一跳的熊貓!

三寶出門了! 新買的攝影機 拍到 被嚇一跳的熊貓 攝影機還在適應階段 蓋上安全帽罩子 哈哈!變模糊了! 開車騎車時~ *要提高警覺,注意前、後、左、右,要有他人可能會撞到你或是防止撞到他人的想法。 When driving a bicycle~ *Be alert, pay attention to the front, back, left and right, and have the idea that others may hit you or prevent them from hitting others. 一鮮零一(Youtube) facebook (一鮮零一) 痞客邦(一鮮零一) instagram (一鮮零一) 歡迎投稿

2020 馬路三寶 千鈞一髮 小心!天上掉下來的火花!

馬路三寶 千鈞一髮 小心!天上掉下來的火花! #馬路三寶 千鈞一髮的場景 不是每個人的那麼幸運的! 開車騎車時~ 要提高警覺, 注意前、後、左、右, 要有他人可能會撞到你 或是防止撞到他人的想法。 When driving a bicycle~ *Be alert, pay attention to the front, back, left and right, and have the idea that others may hit you or prevent them from hitting others. 祝大家 行車平安! 一鮮零一(Youtube) facebook (一鮮零一) 痞客邦(一鮮零一) instagram (一鮮零一) 歡迎投稿

2020 馬路三寶  千鈞一髮! 不會吧!交流道倒車?

馬路三寶 之千鈞一髮 不會吧!交流道倒車? #馬路三寶 這裡頭有些片段真的是運氣超好,差一秒鐘可能就完蛋了! Some of the clips here are really good luck. 十字路口時必須減速,左右轉時、變換車道或超車時需注意前後方車輛與行人狀況,避免被車輛追撞或撞到車輛或行人。 You must slow down at intersections. When turning left and right, changing lanes, or overtaking, you must pay attention to the status of vehicles and pedestrians in front and behind to avoid being chased or hit by vehicles. 駕駛人除遵守道路交通規則外,亦須留意周遭狀況,從目視及耳聽察覺,建立預判可能發生意外情境之準備心理,進而預先採取必要防禦動作以避免事故發生。 In addition to observing the road traffic rules, drivers must also pay attention to the surrounding conditions, visually and ear-sensing, establish a preparation psychology to predict possible unexpected situations, and then take the necessary defensive actions in advance to avoid accidents. facebook (一鮮零一) 痞客邦(一鮮零一) instagram (一鮮零一)

2020 馬路三寶 之 千鈞一髮 怎麼突然甩尾?

馬路三寶 之千鈞一髮 怎麼突然甩尾?   #馬路三寶 這裡頭有些片段真的是運氣超好,差一秒鐘可能就完蛋了! Some of the clips here are really good luck. 十字路口時必須減速,左右轉時、變換車道或超車時需注意前後方車輛與行人狀況,避免被車輛追撞或撞到車輛或行人。 You must slow down at intersections. When turning left and right, changing lanes, or overtaking, you must pay attention to the status of vehicles and pedestrians in front and behind to avoid being chased or hit by vehicles. 駕駛人除遵守道路交通規則外,亦須留意周遭狀況,從目視及耳聽察覺,建立預判可能發生意外情境之準備心理,進而預先採取必要防禦動作以避免事故發生。 In addition to observing the road traffic rules, drivers must also pay attention to the surrounding conditions, visually and ear-sensing, establish a preparation psychology to predict possible unexpected situations, and then take the necessary defensive actions in advance to avoid accidents. facebook (一鮮零一) 痞客邦(一鮮零一) instagram (一鮮零一)

2020 台灣三寶車禍集錦0714

台灣三寶車禍集錦(0714) Taiwan traffic accident #台灣三寶車禍集錦 Taiwan Sanbao Car Accident Highlights. Stupid traffic accident compilation. 車禍事件的發生,常常是無法預測的,看不到的視野範圍就潛藏危險,不要以為別人一定會遵守交通規則,預留自己與別人多一點時間與空間,才能避免交通事故的發生,確保車輛行車安全。 注意~急煞後煞車或是轉彎時煞後車輪均易打滑摔車。 在此強調「防禦駕駛」觀念很重要, 駕駛人除遵守道路交通規則外,亦須留意周遭狀況,從目視及耳聽察覺,建立預判可能發生意外情境之準備心理,進而預先採取必要防禦動作以避免事故發生。 It is important to emphasize the concept of "defensive driving" here, In addition to observing the road traffic rules, drivers must also pay attention to the surrounding conditions, and visually and ear-sensing to establish the preparation psychology for predicting possible unexpected situations, and then take the necessary defensive actions in advance to avoid accidents. facebook (一鮮零一) 痞客邦(一鮮零一) instagram (一鮮零一)

2020 馬路三寶 之 千鈞一髮  還好閃得快!

馬路三寶 之 千鈞一髮 還好閃得快! #馬路三寶 這裡頭有些片段真的是運氣超好,差一秒鐘可能就完蛋了! Some of the clips here are really good luck. 十字路口時必須減速,左右轉時、變換車道或超車時需注意前後方車輛與行人狀況,避免被車輛追撞或撞到車輛或行人。 You must slow down at intersections. When turning left and right, changing lanes, or overtaking, you must pay attention to the status of vehicles and pedestrians in front and behind to avoid being chased or hit by vehicles. 駕駛人除遵守道路交通規則外,亦須留意周遭狀況,從目視及耳聽察覺,建立預判可能發生意外情境之準備心理,進而預先採取必要防禦動作以避免事故發生。 In addition to observing the road traffic rules, drivers must also pay attention to the surrounding conditions, visually and ear-sensing, establish a preparation psychology to predict possible unexpected situations, and then take the necessary defensive actions in advance to avoid accidents. facebook (一鮮零一) 痞客邦(一鮮零一) instagram (一鮮零一)

2020 台灣三寶車禍集錦(0707)

台灣三寶車禍集錦-0707 Taiwan traffic accident #台灣三寶車禍集錦 Taiwan Sanbao Car Accident Highlights. Stupid traffic accident compilation. 車禍事件的發生,常常是無法預測的,看不到的視野範圍就潛藏危險,不要以為別人一定會遵守交通規則,預留自己與別人多一點時間與空間,才能避免交通事故的發生,確保車輛行車安全。 注意~急煞後煞車或是轉彎時煞後車輪均易打滑摔車。 在此強調「防禦駕駛」觀念很重要, 駕駛人除遵守道路交通規則外,亦須留意周遭狀況,從目視及耳聽察覺,建立預判可能發生意外情境之準備心理,進而預先採取必要防禦動作以避免事故發生。 It is important to emphasize the concept of "defensive driving" here, In addition to observing the road traffic rules, drivers must also pay attention to the surrounding conditions, and visually and ear-sensing to establish the preparation psychology for predicting possible unexpected situations, and then take the necessary defensive actions in advance to avoid accidents. facebook (一鮮零一) 痞客邦(一鮮零一) instagram (一鮮零一)

2020 危險酒駕三寶  逆向連撞 兩台車子   -Drunk driving reversed the three treasures and crashed into two cars

開車不喝酒 喝酒不開車 Drunk driving reversed the three treasures and crashed into two cars

2019 中永和競技場

當兵前沒什麼事 填了個詞 不是什麼高手 就試試看啦 各位鞭小力點 beat: 中正橋下來就到中永和競技場 前菜先來個阿公雙黃線逆向 車多 路小 一堆三寶隨便逛 歐巴桑 沒有懸念直接往你車上撞 先轉彎 再打燈 就是爽 阿婆過馬路像在自己家 OK我用後照鏡賞你個巴掌 華麗360 回頭看你躺地上 welcome to the 中永和競技場 三 二 一 催落 油門不會隨便放 後照鏡破掉也沒差 拿來當我的煙灰缸 邊騎邊抽還能按喇叭 我下烘爐地只要一首highway star 他們都叫我本田亮 九彎十八拐 追焦跟不上 路上阿婆問我 騎哈緊欲衝啥 行人過馬路我都不讓 瑪麗蓮夢露把手放腳上 右手催油門左手拿握便當 停紅燈旁邊有個妹子 覺得香 讓我們一起來搖擺 看側柱尻出那火花 一起跟測速跳恰恰 路上的行人多迷人 多精彩 多可愛

2019 Toyota Prius差點撞到哈雷.Toyota Prius almost hit Harley(秋條)(有字幕)

三寶Toyota Prius 往內線切沒看到哈雷...應注意而未注意 Toyota Prius drive to the left lane almost hit Harley, because he didn't look the rearview mirror - 有字幕喔 - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。

2019 SUV闖紅燈,交警都撞趴下。車禍現場190期

每天十分鐘,開車慢又慫,提高安全意識,注意行車安全。 我祇是個搬運剪輯工,博君一笑,不喜勿噴。 素材來源見水印。 歡迎來稿,郵箱 Ten minutes a day, driving slowly and stunned. I am just a porter, Bo Jun smiles, does not like to spray. The source of the material is seen in the watermark. Welcome to the manuscript, email:

2018 失控寶馬撞上出租車,當場造成兩人死亡。Car accident scene 105 車禍現場105期

Ten minutes a day, driving slowly and stunned. I am just a porter, Bo Jun smiles, does not like to spray. The source of the material is seen in the watermark. Welcome to the manuscript, email: 每天十分鐘,開車慢又慫,提高安全意識。 我祇是個搬運剪輯工,博君一笑,不喜勿噴。 素材來源見水印。 歡迎來稿,郵箱

2018 Car accident scene 927 車禍現場927期  兩車相撞,小車司機當場死亡

Ten minutes a day, driving slowly and stunned. I am just a porter, Bo Jun smiles, does not like to spray. The source of the material is seen in the watermark. Welcome to the manuscript, email: 每天十分鐘,開車慢又慫。 我祇是個搬運剪輯工,博君一笑,不喜勿噴。 素材來源見水印。 歡迎來稿,郵箱

2017 逆向超車三寶!不閃快點就沒命

All original video rights to the original author of all if there is any wrong please contact me as soon as possible to do delete processing 我不擁有此影片的版權 如有侵權 請聯繫刪除 我將盡快刪除 信箱

2017 深夜加油站遇見蘇格拉底,右轉遇見逆向三寶

All original video rights to the original author of all if there is any wrong please contact me as soon as possible to do delete processing 我不擁有此影片的版權 如有侵權 請聯繫刪除 我將盡快刪除 信箱

2017 工程車駕駛沒注意高度,撞毀紅綠燈

All original video rights to the original author of all if there is any wrong please contact me as soon as possible to do delete processing 我不擁有此影片的版權 如有侵權 請聯繫刪除 我將盡快刪除 信箱

2017 傷心的人別聽慢歌,左轉的人不踩剎車

All original video rights to the original author of all if there is any wrong please contact me as soon as possible to do delete processing 我不擁有此影片的版權 如有侵權 請聯繫刪除 我將盡快刪除 信箱

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