Kaohsiung - 馬路三寶

各種 Kaohsiung 的三寶行為

2024 限縮檢舉/大違停時代來臨 ?! 有哪些法條修訂, 帶你了解....

我是一名高雄在地的計程車司機,本頻道主要分享一些開車的甘苦談及相關的資訊,未來會朝向更多元的題材發展,如國/內 外旅遊與美食系列...等等。 另外目前除了計程車外,本身也有經營包車旅遊與單車的接駁及補給,歡迎有需求或興趣的朋友聯絡我。 感謝各位的支持與收看。 I am a taxi driver located in Kaohsiung Taiwan. This Channel is to share my daily life and information regarding taxi to viewers. Aside from taxi service I have a team can provide package tour or professional cycling support for road bike & mountain bike in Taiwan. We drive very comfortable Benz Vito (or VW-T6) 9-Seater vans equipped with bike racks(Thule UpRide 599, no contact with your bike frame, perfect for carbon fiber frames. ps : not every car has this equipment) and a guide with detailed knowledge of cycling routes, who can also fix problems of bikes. We also offer the courses for beginners want to experience cycling. Just get in touch with us for details, thanks for your supporting and watching. 服務項目 Service Items 接送服務 / Pick Up & Drop Off 旅遊包車/ Chartered Tour 單車補給/ Bikes Support 聯絡方式 Contact E-mail : skxkimo@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #計程車 #台灣大車隊 #uber #保母車 #交通違規 #檢舉 #違停 #法規

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2019 三寶的日常

高雄式左轉Kaohsiung style left-turn 闖紅燈 run the red light

2017 三寶系列令人傻眼的逆向三寶

以為過了初5三寶退散 有這麼急嘛? 超車技巧不好就不要學人家超車 不就還好機車道沒機車或行人

推薦!優質交通類 YouTube 頻道



