Crazy - 馬路三寶

各種 Crazy 的三寶行為

2022 你這樣子騎過來不就你逆向

嗯哼.....久沒發片試個感覺 鄉民提供片源

2021 衣櫥 床底 露出腳

#偷情 有三寶 衣櫥 床底 露出腳 現實中如果你遇到了這種事你會怎麼做呢? 日常生活都在這➡ @希老闆日常 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 工作邀約請洽 否希哥の IG : 信箱 電話:0979200333 Line:crystalyen33 葉小姐 隨時觀看最新影片➡ #在不瘋狂就等死 Facebook➡ Instagram➡ #記得訂閱並開啟小鈴鐺

2021 OMSI 2 KMB 32M  | Part 1

要一架歐5上象山,在現實中根本沒有可能做到,只能在 OMSI 2裹模擬。這段影片是Part 1,Part 2 找一天上傳。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bus: E500 MKII by DR x TP Studio Facebook link : Bus link: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map: 962 crazy by Arisuhime Studio Facebook and Website link : Map Link: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Facebook or Website links for more OMSI 2 bus or maps : 1. GX7767 Studio Facebook link: Website link: 2. Winsome 3D Studio Facebook link: Website link: 3. KA x RJ Studio Facebook link : Website link : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~enjoy

2020 瘋狂計程車差點逆向撞過來!Crazy Taxi /drive
2020 卡車三寶上路的後果?! Poor Truck Driver!
2020 真人版 周星馳 吳孟達 我還未上車? 運轉手之戀! 神手倒開車! 三寶集2

都說戲如人生 電影的情節有時真的會在現實發生 請看以下兩則: 等等 你怎麼倒著開啊?呵呵呵 是不是似曾相識? 運轉手之戀 原來是變速箱壞了司機為了省2000拖吊費 竟然以倒退方式開車3km回去 警方傳訊他到案 以危險駕駛開罰6000台幣 網友: 蟹仔的D檔又壞掉了 這駕照絕對不是雞腿換的! 這是高手,這是高手在民間! 這駕駛一定是很嚴重的落枕。 所以才會這樣開 堪稱神駕駛手 網友分享行經桃園路橋時 有員警執行公務 完畢之後 沒想後座員警尚未跨上車 前座員警一時疏忽逕自往前走了 留下後方傻眼的員警 像不像逃學威龍?!

2019 一堆馬路三寶 好事多 MIO MiVue™ M775 1080P/60fps SONY感光元件 機車 試拍實測 白天雨夜及遇到的違規

好事多 MIO M775 1080P/60FPS SONY感光元件 機車行車紀錄器開箱 NT2949 附贈用品: 子母扣U型夾上已經黏貼一組 另附兩片備用 SANDISK 16G記憶卡 防水邊充邊錄線 1080/60FPS高速錄影,鏡頭142度,內建1140MAH鋰電池,鏡頭除霧鍍膜降低水氣起霧,IP67全機防水,內建循環錄影,採用低照度感光元件,贈16G記憶卡 M775則是台灣研發、中國製造。

2019 台灣史上最欠揍的!每個都超欠揍!Crazy 熊
2019 台灣的各種三寶!突擊寶!投胎寶!Crazy熊

#三寶 #行車記錄器 #車禍

2019 三寶緊急煞車.Stupid driver stop suddenly.(秋條)

那個三寶應該停下來,因為他有yield sign而我沒有,我不用停下來。 但是他開的速度我真的很怕他會撞到我,所以我停下來確定安全我才通過。 不會開車就不要開那麼快。 The stupid driver drive so fast that he didn't notice the "yield sign" . I afraid that he will hit my car so I stop, but actually I don't need to stop for this shit. Really hope that everyone should make sure there is no car at yield sign before run. - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。 - 喜歡記得訂閱 If you guys like my channel then remember subscribe for more driving recording.

2019 三寶闖紅燈左轉..The car ran the red light and turn left.(秋條)

白癡三寶闖紅燈左轉,我開快一點的話我就撞到他了。Stupid driver just ran the red light and turn left, if I drive more faster then will have accident. - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。 - 喜歡記得訂閱 If you guys like my channel then remember subscribe for more driving recording.

2019 馬路三寶差點撞到行人.Stupid crazy driver almost cause car accident(秋條)

白癡三寶左轉沒看左右來車,更沒有注意到行人,差點撞上。 Crazy and stupid driver didn't stop and look at the intersection, almost hit the pedestrian. He is really lucky that he stop his car to avoid the accident. Hope everyone can stop by the intersection and make sure there is safe to be drive, thank you. - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。 - 喜歡記得訂閱 If you guys like my channel then remember subscribe for more driving recording.

2019 三寶停在馬路中間導致塞車.Stupid driver stop in the middle of the road.(秋條)

智障三寶在路中間停下來導致塞車。 Stupid driver stop in the middle of the road cause the traffic jam.... I can't tolerant, so I overtake him. - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。 - 喜歡記得訂閱 If you guys like my channel then remember subscribe for more driving recording.

2019 01 難以思考的台南 Hard riding on Tainan

♪ Music ♪ Music Provided by NoCopyrightSounds Song: Spektrem - Shine

2019 檢舉達人退散!正義魔人勿來!台灣需要的是行車禮儀,不是正義魔人!

Crazy 熊繞1分多鐘,就發現10幾輛車違規,不是他們想違規,而是現行法規有些問題,現在出現很多機車騎士故意戴上行車記錄器刻意挑釁其他駕駛人,這種行為非常不可取,而且就算不是故意的往往機車時數表顯示的速度,跟汽車顯示的速度多少會有差異,這樣會造成很大的糾紛,我們都要遵守交通規章,也要有行車禮儀,這樣交通才會好,不是一昧的檢舉跟挑釁

2018 Ultimate of Angry, Crazy People vs Bikers

-I punched a car driven by an idiot: -COMPILATION OF IDIOTIC DRIVERS!: -Il prend la mauvaise voie et serre un motard dans un rond-point: -Cut off but predicted from a mile away: -Car opens door on motorcycle lanesplitting to spit.: -[三寶日常]闖紅燈車禍: -[三寶日常]每天都來: -[三寶日常]已經最旁邊了,靠邊是要靠去哪?: -Crazy driver: -shorty - Wake up lady, and daredevil kitty: -RIDER IN BALI INDONESIA NEARLY KILLED US!: -COMPILATION OF IDIOT DRIVERS IN BALI INDONESIA: -Bad Driver - 10-17-2018: -MT09 Close Call: ALL VIDEOS ARE USED WITH ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT OWNERS PERMISSION Thank you for watching All copyright issues please contact us via email: ✪ SUBSCRIBE NOW ➡ ✪ Facebook ➡ ✪ Instagram ➡ ✪ SEND VIDEOS ➡

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