驚險畫面 - 馬路三寶
各種 驚險畫面 的三寶行為
#行人地獄#轎車#急轉彎 傳說中的行人地獄?宜蘭蘇澳行人險被急轉彎車撞上 驚險畫面曝 https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/society/breakingnews/4637158 宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮福德路與區界東路口,被拍到行人走斑馬線穿越馬路時,險些被急轉彎轎車撞上,所幸轎車急煞,差一秒鐘就可能釀成意外,目擊者以「這是傳說中的行人地獄嗎?」為題,把畫面PO上網,引發網友熱議。事發後,路過車輛的行車紀錄器拍下驚險過程,把畫面PO上臉書社團「宜蘭知識+」,網友反應兩極,「車子轉太快了 ---------------------------------------------------- 我們的頻道➔ http://video.ltn.com.tw YouTube➔ https://www.youtube.com/user/tvforltn Dailymotion➔ https://www.dailymotion.com/LibertyTimes
馬路三寶 之千鈞一髮 不會吧!交流道倒車? #馬路三寶 這裡頭有些片段真的是運氣超好,差一秒鐘可能就完蛋了! Some of the clips here are really good luck. 十字路口時必須減速,左右轉時、變換車道或超車時需注意前後方車輛與行人狀況,避免被車輛追撞或撞到車輛或行人。 You must slow down at intersections. When turning left and right, changing lanes, or overtaking, you must pay attention to the status of vehicles and pedestrians in front and behind to avoid being chased or hit by vehicles. 駕駛人除遵守道路交通規則外,亦須留意周遭狀況,從目視及耳聽察覺,建立預判可能發生意外情境之準備心理,進而預先採取必要防禦動作以避免事故發生。 In addition to observing the road traffic rules, drivers must also pay attention to the surrounding conditions, visually and ear-sensing, establish a preparation psychology to predict possible unexpected situations, and then take the necessary defensive actions in advance to avoid accidents. facebook (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/c1ufo2 痞客邦(一鮮零一)https://streamtopic.pixnet.net/16779/ instagram (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/0fNNUC
馬路三寶 之千鈞一髮 怎麼突然甩尾? #馬路三寶 這裡頭有些片段真的是運氣超好,差一秒鐘可能就完蛋了! Some of the clips here are really good luck. 十字路口時必須減速,左右轉時、變換車道或超車時需注意前後方車輛與行人狀況,避免被車輛追撞或撞到車輛或行人。 You must slow down at intersections. When turning left and right, changing lanes, or overtaking, you must pay attention to the status of vehicles and pedestrians in front and behind to avoid being chased or hit by vehicles. 駕駛人除遵守道路交通規則外,亦須留意周遭狀況,從目視及耳聽察覺,建立預判可能發生意外情境之準備心理,進而預先採取必要防禦動作以避免事故發生。 In addition to observing the road traffic rules, drivers must also pay attention to the surrounding conditions, visually and ear-sensing, establish a preparation psychology to predict possible unexpected situations, and then take the necessary defensive actions in advance to avoid accidents. facebook (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/c1ufo2 痞客邦(一鮮零一)https://streamtopic.pixnet.net/16779/ instagram (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/0fNNUC
馬路三寶 之 千鈞一髮 還好閃得快! #馬路三寶 這裡頭有些片段真的是運氣超好,差一秒鐘可能就完蛋了! Some of the clips here are really good luck. 十字路口時必須減速,左右轉時、變換車道或超車時需注意前後方車輛與行人狀況,避免被車輛追撞或撞到車輛或行人。 You must slow down at intersections. When turning left and right, changing lanes, or overtaking, you must pay attention to the status of vehicles and pedestrians in front and behind to avoid being chased or hit by vehicles. 駕駛人除遵守道路交通規則外,亦須留意周遭狀況,從目視及耳聽察覺,建立預判可能發生意外情境之準備心理,進而預先採取必要防禦動作以避免事故發生。 In addition to observing the road traffic rules, drivers must also pay attention to the surrounding conditions, visually and ear-sensing, establish a preparation psychology to predict possible unexpected situations, and then take the necessary defensive actions in advance to avoid accidents. facebook (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/c1ufo2 痞客邦(一鮮零一)https://streamtopic.pixnet.net/16779/ instagram (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/0fNNUC
馬路三寶 千鈞一髮3 這時候只能尖叫了! #馬路三寶 #千鈞一髮 這裡頭有些片段真的是運氣超好,差一秒鐘可能就完蛋了! 十字路口時必須減速,左右轉時、變換車道或超車時需注意前後方車輛與行人狀況,避免被車輛追撞或撞到車輛或行人。 駕駛人除遵守道路交通規則外,亦須留意周遭狀況,從目視及耳聽察覺,建立預判可能發生意外情境之準備心理,進而預先採取必要防禦動作以避免事故發生。 facebook (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/c1ufo2 痞客邦(一鮮零一)https://streamtopic.pixnet.net/16779/... instagram (一鮮零一) https://is.gd/0fNNUC
隱藏電影新秀小蘇志燮年接5部電影,與大咖共演盼看見… 桃園地區有民眾在臉書發文表示,他車友的弟弟昨(1日)早上8點多開著愛車載老婆上路,卻在龍潭被一輛闖紅燈的三寶轎車當場正面直撞,驚險畫面嚇翻網友。 ▲▼三寶闖紅燈迎面撞上。(圖/翻攝自民眾臉書) 根據行車記錄器畫面,夫妻倆開車等待綠燈時準備行駛,沒想到橫向居然衝出一台銀色轎車大轉彎,先是撞上對向正要行經路口的機車騎士,在迎面撞上夫妻倆,導致男方輕微皮肉傷,女方則是左腳腳趾骨折,雙腳多處傷口。 ▲▼雙方車頭幾乎全毀。(圖/翻攝自民眾臉書) 肇事駕駛是一名老婦人,車禍發生後,雙方車頭都被撞爛,車友弟弟方的車移回原廠估價,維修費不包含引擎就要五十幾萬。另外車友透露,弟弟可能打算直接換車,目前交由保險公...