pokemon - 馬路三寶

各種 pokemon 的三寶行為

2019 03 台南三寶日常 Hard riding on Tainan

久違的三寶日常系列又續拍了,希望大家會喜歡! 台南的馬路就是訓練安駕及防衛駕駛的好場地呢www 紀錄工具 SJ4000 4k WiFi 模式: 1080p 30FPS ♪ Music ♪ Music Provided by GlitchxCity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZZtuaSoMgA Song: Pokémon Sun and Moon: Lillie's Theme [Lo-fi Remix] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAMWMeLbvDc Song: Pokémon X and Y: Boutique Theme Remix

2017 國外三寶屁孩剛剛很囂張挑釁  結果下一秒     在地上哇哇叫!

更多有趣內容都在 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2GLgpF0s_4LapVZ0EJgcaw/featured All original video rights to the original author of all if there is any wrong please contact me as soon as possible to do delete processing YouTube B.C. & Lowy Taiwan Taipei Taichung Tainan Japan Tokyo Korea Soul USA United States Blower Bentley Rolls-Royce Double R Citroen Buick Volvo New York Canada Toronto Ottwa Vancuver German China Volkswagen Aventador Huracan Lexus Subaru Toyota Honda Suzuki Aston Martin Alfa Romeo Acura Peugeot Vauxhall Cadillac Hummer Mazda Mini Yamaha Kymco R1 R3 G6 Ninja Kawasaki America UnlimitedSpeedHighWay CarCrash Car Accident Autobahn Police Officer Cap Bundesautobahn pokemon go

2017 在警察面前 就要安分點! 別把三寶那套拿出來!

轉自網路 All original video rights to the original author of all if there is any wrong please contact BMW Porsche Ferrari Lamborghini Benz Mercedes Maserati Bugatti Chiron Chevrolet Mr. Player automobile supercar Discovery Google YouTube B.C. & Lowy Taiwan Taipei Taichung Tainan Japan Tokyo Korea Soul USA United States Blower Bentley Rolls-Royce Double R Citroen Buick Volvo New York Canada Toronto Ottwa Vancuver German China Volkswagen Aventador Huracan Lexus Subaru Toyota Honda Suzuki Aston Martin Alfa Romeo Acura Peugeot Vauxhall Cadillac Hummer Mazda Mini Yamaha Kymco R1 R3 G6 Ninja Kawasaki America UnlimitedSpeedHighWay CarCrash Car Accident Autobahn Police Officer Cap Bundesautobahn pokemon go

2017 誰對誰錯?  左轉~直行?   87的世界裡  三寶永遠是對的

轉自網路 All original video rights to the original author of all if there is any wrong please contact me as soon as possible to do delete processing BMW Porsche Ferrari Lamborghini Benz Mercedes Maserati Bugatti Chiron Chevrolet Mr. Player automobile supercar Discovery Google YouTube B.C. & Lowy Taiwan Taipei Taichung Tainan Japan Tokyo Korea Soul USA United States Blower Bentley Rolls-Royce Double R Citroen Buick Volvo New York Canada Toronto Ottwa Vancuver German China Volkswagen Aventador Huracan Lexus Subaru Toyota Honda Suzuki Aston Martin Alfa Romeo Acura Peugeot Vauxhall Cadillac Hummer Mazda Mini Yamaha Kymco R1 R3 G6 Ninja Kawasaki America UnlimitedSpeedHighWay CarCrash Car Accident Autobahn Police Officer Cap Bundesautobahn pokemon go

2017 高速闖紅燈把人家車撞到變指尖陀螺

豬哥亮小玉聖結石放火阿滴英文啾啾鞋HOWTGOP這群人蔡阿嘎阿神谷阿莫魚乾菜喳老皮舞秋風尊不要鬧安啾咪sandy mandy頑game眾量級白癡公主巢哥聖嫂DODO巧克力超粒方古娃娃Taiwan Bar小白翔麟鬼鬼阿謙黑男HowFun冏星人六嘆周杰倫五月天BMW Porsche Ferrari Lamborghini Benz Mercedes Maserati Bugatti Chiron Chevrolet Blower Bentley Rolls-Royce Double R Citroen Buick V olvo Volkswagen Aventador Huracan Lexus Subaru Toyota Honda Kymco R1 R3 G6 Ninja Kawasaki automobile supercar Discovery Google YouTube B.C. & Lowy Taiwan Taipei Taichung Tainan Japan Tokyo Korea Soul USA United States America New York Canada Toronto Ottwa Vancuver German China Mr. PlayerUnlimitedSpeedHighWay CarCrash Car Accident Autobahn Police Officer Cap Bundesautobahn pokemon go Suzuki Aston Martin Alfa Romeo Acura Peugeot Vauxhall Cadillac Hummer Mazda Mini Yamaha

2017 綠燈一起步就紅燈   擺明要我闖紅燈阿

豬哥亮小玉聖結石放火阿滴英文啾啾鞋HOWTGOP這群人蔡阿嘎阿神谷阿莫魚乾菜喳老皮舞秋風尊不要鬧安啾咪sandy mandy頑game眾量級白癡公主巢哥聖嫂DODO巧克力超粒方古娃娃Taiwan Bar小白翔麟鬼鬼阿謙黑男HowFun冏星人六嘆周杰倫五月天BMW Porsche Ferrari Lamborghini Benz Mercedes Maserati Bugatti Chiron Chevrolet Blower Bentley Rolls-Royce Double R Citroen Buick V olvo Volkswagen Aventador Huracan Lexus Subaru Toyota Honda Kymco R1 R3 G6 Ninja Kawasaki automobile supercar Discovery Google YouTube B.C. & Lowy Taiwan Taipei Taichung Tainan Japan Tokyo Korea Soul USA United States America New York Canada Toronto Ottwa Vancuver German China Mr. PlayerUnlimitedSpeedHighWay CarCrash Car Accident Autobahn Police Officer Cap Bundesautobahn pokemon go Suzuki Aston Martin Alfa Romeo Acura Peugeot Vauxhall Cadillac Hummer Mazda Mini Yamaha

2016 寶可夢鄉民佔用機車道  超誇張行為要寶貝不要命

新北市三重區環河北路昨晚8時許,在機車道和分隔島上湧現約60多位寶可夢玩家,玩家為抓「暴鯉龍」,把機車直接停在車道,就在車來車往的馬路上低頭用手機抓寶,不顧是否會影響到其他車輛通行,為了抓虛擬寶可夢而擋住實際需要通行的車輛。 為了玩《Pokémon GO》,玩家除了半夜聚集在公園抓寶外,現在更直接在車道上違規停車,佔據車道和分隔島來抓寶,民眾騎車經過時發現機車道邊停了滿滿的機車,行車紀錄器紀錄拍下這誇張的場景上傳網路,直呼這些人實在「太扯了」。三重分局交通分隊分隊長徐子胤表示,當時獲報到場後,當場對三輛違規機車開罰,後續將依民眾提供之行車記錄器畫面,再對6輛違規機車逕行舉發。警方呼籲民眾抓寶時切勿違規並要注意周邊環境,以保障自己及他人安全。

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