URS - 馬路三寶

各種 URS 的三寶行為

2024 限縮檢舉/大違停時代來臨 ?! 有哪些法條修訂, 帶你了解....

我是一名高雄在地的計程車司機,本頻道主要分享一些開車的甘苦談及相關的資訊,未來會朝向更多元的題材發展,如國/內 外旅遊與美食系列...等等。 另外目前除了計程車外,本身也有經營包車旅遊與單車的接駁及補給,歡迎有需求或興趣的朋友聯絡我。 感謝各位的支持與收看。 I am a taxi driver located in Kaohsiung Taiwan. This Channel is to share my daily life and information regarding taxi to viewers. Aside from taxi service I have a team can provide package tour or professional cycling support for road bike & mountain bike in Taiwan. We drive very comfortable Benz Vito (or VW-T6) 9-Seater vans equipped with bike racks(Thule UpRide 599, no contact with your bike frame, perfect for carbon fiber frames. ps : not every car has this equipment) and a guide with detailed knowledge of cycling routes, who can also fix problems of bikes. We also offer the courses for beginners want to experience cycling. Just get in touch with us for details, thanks for your supporting and watching. 服務項目 Service Items 接送服務 / Pick Up & Drop Off 旅遊包車/ Chartered Tour 單車補給/ Bikes Support 聯絡方式 Contact E-mail : skxkimo@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #計程車 #台灣大車隊 #uber #保母車 #交通違規 #檢舉 #違停 #法規

2023 企鵝妹 Jinnytty:還在抱怨剛剛玩的遊戲太認真 然後就當三寶闖紅燈了!(台中逢甲 - 台中大里)

[台灣 Waddlethon Day22] 企鵝妹 Jinnytty:還在抱怨剛剛玩的遊戲太認真 然後就當三寶闖紅燈了!(台中逢甲 - 台中大里)[2023-05-20] 完整版:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uJhLohiTy4 [2023-05-20] Day 22 WADDLETHON 1 TAIWAN : Day 22 FENGJIA TO DALI TAICHUNG + DETOURS (~30KM/18.6MILES)

2022 露營車泊好眠三寶 Level & Stabilize my Camper California  水平儀 頂車器 levelmate pro

睡的平穩-車泊好眠三寶 Level & Stabilize my Camper (39)- 將露營車保持水平,並穩定不晃動,才會睡得又香又甜。這次的分享,希望你們喜歡。大家好 我是辣椒,有任何的建議也請留言,感謝。不要忘記訂閱! Chili's VW T6 California Ocean Note(39) -Level & Stabilize my Camper. Please feel free to leave any comments or mostly, share with others. Of course, please, subscribe to my channel! Thanks! My FB: https://www.facebook.com/ChiliVWCalifornia/ LevelMatePRO(Amazon)露營車電子水平儀 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083ZMZPR8?tag=onamzchiliyu-20&linkCode=ssc&creativeASIN=B083ZMZPR8&asc_item-id=amzn1.ideas.3EXFY5BTWALIK&ref_=aip_sf_list_spv_ons_mixed_d_asin KGDJS Camper Levelers(Amazon)弧形增高墊 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B098S3XFFV?tag=onamzchiliyu-20&linkCode=ssc&creativeASIN=B098S3XFFV&asc_item-id=amzn1.ideas.3EXFY5BTWALIK&ref_=aip_sf_list_spv_ons_mixed_d_asin 穩車器 https://m.facebook.com/groups/1872038369735182/permalink/3362651070673897/?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZWn6PC4DGGayKJGIdB6JNsN89TLNhD4zZ1gFINeQB35zm4GxKWuB6XD4acZnj3QGLu6hWRjkzjAWKQkf3KG-Kz0j9invLA5ajpWYwmGKaeTWHB9tNzAXG7Pd3zFfUQRMxmI6a6eYxTb2pD_5hwoQivdOmSk7T-dd_UsAjGpwpBZR6WZhS2ohDJyEd9MJrcmfZQ&__tn__=R%5D-R #vanlife #加州號露營車

2020 高雄交通日常EP.13 三寶聚集篇第四回

防衛性駕駛的重要.. 被害妄想症的開始 影片連結 【帶你玩透透】 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX866H4_CKLJRVXjX9qzDtBPqWOSiFTYh 【GTR日誌】 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX866H4_CKLKZdJa4i0E11umciqcP5AjP 【租車日誌】 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX866H4_CKLI7qsr7kJ8rxxKVRfezUrsB 【高雄交通日常】 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX866H4_CKLJZeg8YDfw-u5eTloyH3afM 【日本遊VLOG】 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX866H4_CKLIcc_WYc1-dnHVbvldO8oM_ 聯絡資訊 Gmail:ericmoment502@gmail.com Instagram:ericmoment_yt

2020 快轉00:02:09分 六日馬路特多寶 (三寶) 馬路在走高解析要有 (Taiwan's roads run wild) 대만 도로

#最新行車記錄器 #三寶 #目前超高解析度 #Taiwanroads 【✔】上路之前﹐先裝一台超強 超高解析行車記錄器﹐保護好自己。 自己能開好車﹐但是 ! 就擔心別人會【違規在先】害你出事﹐接著後面行程皆泡湯。 出事後﹐不是頭腦不清楚就是各說各話。 【★】行駛駕駛觀念優先﹐行車記錄器僅為備份還原當時現況。 【✔】Before you go on the road, install a super high resolution driving recorder to protect yourself. I can drive a good car by myself, but! I am worried that others will [break the rules first] cause you an accident, and then the rest of the trip will be lost. After the accident, either he was unclear or he said different things. 【★】The driving concept is prioritized. The d

2019 畫面曝光!超狂三寶先橫停再逆向 網友差點嚇「閃尿」 HD

畫面曝光!超狂三寶先橫停再逆向 網友差點嚇「閃尿」 Please subscribe my channel http://bit.ly/2OqX2WG see video more and more thank you If in violation of the inbox for yourself then we can cooperate. sorry

2019 老三寶逆向害妙齡女犁田 到案竟稱:她來撞我的 HD

老三寶逆向害妙齡女犁田 到案竟稱:她來撞我的 Please subscribe my channel http://bit.ly/2OqX2WG see video more and more thank you If in violation of the inbox for yourself then we can cooperate. sorry

2018 等個紅綠燈也有事! 三寶男逆向撞小黃落跑 HD

等個紅綠燈也有事! 三寶男逆向撞小黃落跑 Please subscribe my channel http://bit.ly/2OqX2WG see video more and more thank you If in violation of the inbox for yourself then we can cooperate. sorry

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