拉轉 - 馬路三寶

各種 拉轉 的三寶行為

2022 台灣騎士日常:台南、高雄三寶/趣味Ep.17

此影片內包含大量不雅言詞、拉轉、頻道主的暴脾氣 若身感不適,請自行適應 純粹分享行車記錄器畫面、紀錄騎車日常而已

2022 行車糾紛CBR150R拉轉被三寶攔車告恐嚇罪!

分享訂閱按讚是給予我最大的創作動力 工商合作請私訊IG IG: https://www.instagram.com/Haohaomoto0910 拍攝工具:GoPro 9 、GoPro 7 Jet SL:前土除、後土除、內土除、段子鏡、拉桿、飛旋腳踏 CBR150R:握把、拉桿、油箱貼油蓋貼、水箱護網、側柱加大、全可調後避震 #道路平權 #塗銷禁行機車 #取消二段式左轉#三寶#機車 #摩托車 #二輪 #MOTOVlog #GoPro#cbr150r #honda #jetsl #jets


說個笑話職業駕駛 那個拉轉聲真香 訂閱我

2019 三寶緊急煞車.Stupid driver stop suddenly.(秋條)

那個三寶應該停下來,因為他有yield sign而我沒有,我不用停下來。 但是他開的速度我真的很怕他會撞到我,所以我停下來確定安全我才通過。 不會開車就不要開那麼快。 The stupid driver drive so fast that he didn't notice the "yield sign" . I afraid that he will hit my car so I stop, but actually I don't need to stop for this shit. Really hope that everyone should make sure there is no car at yield sign before run. - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。 - 喜歡記得訂閱 If you guys like my channel then remember subscribe for more driving recording.

2019 三寶闖紅燈左轉..The car ran the red light and turn left.(秋條)

白癡三寶闖紅燈左轉,我開快一點的話我就撞到他了。Stupid driver just ran the red light and turn left, if I drive more faster then will have accident. - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。 - 喜歡記得訂閱 If you guys like my channel then remember subscribe for more driving recording.

2019 馬路三寶差點撞到行人.Stupid crazy driver almost cause car accident(秋條)

白癡三寶左轉沒看左右來車,更沒有注意到行人,差點撞上。 Crazy and stupid driver didn't stop and look at the intersection, almost hit the pedestrian. He is really lucky that he stop his car to avoid the accident. Hope everyone can stop by the intersection and make sure there is safe to be drive, thank you. - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。 - 喜歡記得訂閱 If you guys like my channel then remember subscribe for more driving recording.

2019 三寶停在馬路中間導致塞車.Stupid driver stop in the middle of the road.(秋條)

智障三寶在路中間停下來導致塞車。 Stupid driver stop in the middle of the road cause the traffic jam.... I can't tolerant, so I overtake him. - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。 - 喜歡記得訂閱 If you guys like my channel then remember subscribe for more driving recording.

2019 Toyota Prius差點撞到哈雷.Toyota Prius almost hit Harley(秋條)(有字幕)

三寶Toyota Prius 往內線切沒看到哈雷...應注意而未注意 Toyota Prius drive to the left lane almost hit Harley, because he didn't look the rearview mirror - 有字幕喔 - Hi, everyone. My name is FallBro, welcome to my channel. I current live in Hawaii, I would like to share and upload my driving video in Hawaii, hope you guys will like it. If you guys like it, please subscribe my Youtube Channel, thank you. - 大家好,我是羽山秋人, 我住在美國,這是我想記錄我在美國開車的影片。 如果有哪裡需要改進的地方再跟我說。

2019 鬼爪日常:報應總是來的特別快......

立刻追蹤粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/furyriderofficialsite/ 更多日常小事會在Instagram上面:furyrider_official 有什麼想問的嗎?來匿名發問吧: https://peing.net/zh-TW/3b0cd047bbd8da3?v=1&event=0

2018 Kawasaki z1000: 今天我的拉轉沒有極限

晚上載老婆出門就又遇到雞腿換駕照的,當下真的有嚇到,感冒不好大聲說話只好拉轉到斷油, 影片後面還在隔壁車道拿手機拍我,只好給他一個YA,可惜沒拍到,只好最近都加戴頭帶式出門了。決定要每天發一部影片就會打開三寶捕蚊燈是怎麼回事? 本影片同步分享於 https://www.facebook.com/286197462225613/videos/345759239333176/

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