Her - 馬路三寶
各種 Her 的三寶行為
大陸中心/綜合報導 馬路如虎口,遵守交通規則是每個人都知曉的基本常識,但少部分民眾為了搶快,總會冒險闖紅燈、穿越馬路等,不僅違規又危險。為了要杜絕這些亂象,大陸街頭推出「紅燈自動拉繩系統」,以阻擋想擅闖紅燈的行人。 ▲武漢推出「紅燈自動拉繩系統」,防止行人闖紅燈。(圖/翻攝自《中新網》) 據《中新網》報導,近日大陸武漢的十字路口出現一款「紅燈自動拉繩系統」,該系統外型如同巨大門框,紅燈時會有紅色拉繩放下,以阻擋行人通行,同時還會有語音播報,提醒行人禁止通行,綠燈亮時拉繩才會升起放行。除此,門框上還有液晶螢幕顯示「小心過馬路」、「注意左右車輛」、「不闖紅燈,做文明武漢市民」等標語,提醒民眾該遵守 please like and subscribe here:https://goo.gl/AZmA2Z
難道台灣的法律真的沒辦法治這種人嗎!!【怒】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWVVF9zlSLkWwY_y-UIEGoQ 如果喜歡不要忘了訂閱 分享唷 ^3^ 如您有特別喜歡的題材或是想要翻譯的影片歡迎來信通知 將會在3-5天內回覆您喔~~~ 『此影片聲明【本人無意侵犯版權】如有侵權,請來信告知即刻撤除』 《Notice:I have no intention of tort; If there is any doubts of tort, please contact me and I will remove the video immediately》
為貫徹落實主動警務、社區警務和公關警務的理念,保安司及轄下所有部門聯同澳廣視,共同製作《警民同心》電視綜合節目,透過介紹保安範疇各部門工作、犯罪資訊、防罪技巧和模擬案例等內容,加強公眾對保安部隊及部門的認識和瞭解,掌握更多安全資訊,密切警民¬關係,凝聚警民合力,共同維護澳門的安全和發展。 Police and Public Stand United To fully implement the philosophies of proactive policing, community policing and public relations policing, the Secretary for Security and its subordinate departments, collaborated with Teledifusão de Macau and produced a TV variety program “Police and Public Stand United”. Through introducing the duties of various departments of the security area, crime information, crime prevention techniques, simulated cases, etc, knowledge and understanding concerning the Security Forces and its relevant department of the public can be strengthened. The public can also have a grasp of more safety information. Such knowledge and understanding help establishing a bond between police and the public, forging cooperation between the two parties and enabling them to safeguard the safety and development of Macao together.